Memory Zero(36)

"Were Ryan's parents in the military?"

Finley shrugged. "We haven't been any more successful in finding information on her parents than State was."

Maybe his own search had been more successful. Once Finley left, he'd check. "If this device is still active, is there anyway for us to track the signal back?"

"We can try."

The look on the young doctor's face told him results were doubtful. "What about someone continuing to track us through it?"

"As long as you leave it in that container, you're safe."

Good. Because he fully intended handing it over to the Federation's experts to see what they could make of it. "Mind if I keep this awhile?"

The young doctor shook his head. "We got all the information we can off it."

"I'll need a copy of the test results sent to my com-unit, too."

"Already done, sir. We'll update as we go."

At least Finley was efficient, even if he wasn't so observant at times. "Thanks."

The doctor nodded and quickly exited. Gabriel studied the chip a moment longer, then shoved it in his pocket and walked across to his desk. "Computer on."

The com-unit hummed softly. "Background check on Samantha Ryan complete. Results inadequate."

He frowned. How could search results be inadequate? "Explain."

"No record of Samantha Ryan until the year two-o-three-two, when she was placed into state care by person or persons unknown. No record of parents, though a certificate of birth was filed in two-o-eighteen. No country of origin recorded on certificate. No doctor's signature."

"That can't happen." That it had spoke of government forces being involved somewhere along the line. Either that or someone had purposefully erased nearly all record of her past, which again could only have been managed by someone in power.

He leaned back in his chair and stared at the screen thoughtfully. "Have you tried military records for the time frames mentioned?"

"Military records for that period are not available for general searches."

Sometimes these computers were as dense as any human. "Do a priority one search through all available government records, military or otherwise." He hesitated, tapping the desk lightly. It wasn't likely he'd get back to this office any time soon. He had too much to do. "Send search results, a copy of Ryan's current file and any updates to outlink 5019. Security access one."

"Transfer proceeding. Search proceeding. Director Hanrahan wishes to speak with you."

He scrubbed a hand across his eyes. The day was definitely getting worse. "Put him through."

The director's familiar features came on-line. "I want an update on the Ryan case."

He watched the Director's heavy jowls flap like sheets in the wind and barely controlled a smile. With all the weight Hanrahan had lost lately, he looked more like a basset hound than ever. "Investigations are still proceeding, sir."

The director's heavy-lidded gaze flicked to the right of the screen — a warning there was someone in the office with him. Who?

"Why haven't the investigations been wrapped up? Ryan admitted shooting her partner. It's a matter of record that she made several threats towards him. What's the problem?"

He frowned. That's the first he'd heard of any threats. "Ryan claims her partner was a vampire, and that she killed him in self-defense."

"Poppycock. The woman knows the trouble she's in and is just spinning you a line. State is getting restless over this. They want a result, and so do I."

There was an edge to the director's voice that didn't make sense. Almost an urgency. Something was obviously wrong. For a second, he considered storming Hanrahan's stronghold. But the Director's eyes, green slits barely visible beneath the heavily curtained lids, seemed to warn against it.

"When I find out what's going on, you'll be the first to know, sir." Which was the truth, in more ways than one, he thought grimly.

"Not good enough, Stern. You have until tomorrow to wind up your investigations and hand the woman back for prosecution."