Memory Zero(102)

"Glad you didn't," he said between clenched teeth. "Sethanon will be around here somewhere. We might just catch him if we let this whole thing play out."

Stephan's blue gaze was dubious. "And he might just let Kazdan kill Ryan."

He shook his head. "Kazdan needs her."

"You'd better hope so." Stephan tore the dressing open and placed it on the lid, ready to use. Then he dug the knife out of the kit and glanced up. "This will hurt."

"Having a bullet stuck in my leg is not exactly pleasant, believe me." Why the f**ker hadn't blasted right through, given the close range, was beyond him. Maybe his shapechanging bones were tougher than he thought. "As the ad says, just do it."

Stephan nodded. Gabriel moved his hands from his leg. Blood pulsed from the wound and ran freely down his thigh. Stephan cursed, and slashed Gabriel trousers open. Then he did same to Gabriel's leg.

Gabriel hissed as the knife plunged into his flesh, gritting his teeth against the bellow that tore up his throat. Sweat beaded his brow and ran down his back, and yet, his skin suddenly felt as cold as the arctic.

He slammed his head back and closed his eyes, trying to think of something, anything, other than the feel of the blade digging into his flesh. He saw Sam's eyes, and the trust so evident in their shadow-ringed blue depths.

He couldn't let her down.

"Got it," Stephan muttered, and then mercifully, the digging stopped. Something metallic clattered across the tiles.

He opened his eyes. With the bullet out of his leg, he could at least shapechange and go after Kazdan. Stephan sprayed on an antiseptic sealer, slapped on the dressing and quickly bandaged the wound.

"This isn't going to hold for long if you insist on running around on it."

He ignored the concern in his brother's eyes. "Help me up."

Stephan grabbed his arm and held him steady as he clambered upright. "At least wear one of the vests. It saved our lives. It might save yours."

"Haven't got the time to climb into one. Besides, you may yet need it. Stopping the clone won't be easy." He glanced across the room. "That bomb safe yet?"

"Safe as houses," the Fed said with a smile, and tossed it into the air.

"Then it's time for me to go."

"Try to make sure you come back alive," Stephan said softly.

His smile was grim. "I can't exactly come back dead, can I?" He squeezed his brother's shoulder and headed for the stairs.

* * * *

"See, everything is going to plan," Jack whispered, his breath brushing warmth past her ear.She shuddered and blinked away the sweat rolling into her eyes. The elevator jerked to a halt, and the doors opened. A dozen armed State Police Officers were waiting for them.

"One move, one wrong word, and they all die," Jack murmured. "Eddie has another shiny toy in his pocket."

"Then we'll all die. Your precious clone included."

Jack's smile sent shivers through her soul. "See that man to the right? His name's Barter. His wife has just had a little boy. Should we make her a widow right here and now?"

"You're a bastard," she muttered. He knew her too well. Knew she wouldn't take the risk.

"And a good one at that." He jerked her forward. "Barter, take the PM to the car and get him out of here. I'm taking Ryan to the medics."

"The attackers?"

"Upstairs, but be careful. They're well armed."

Barter and several Feds whisked the clone away. The rest of security headed for the stairs. Jack and his remaining three men walked back into the shuttle port. They were stopped several times, and each time they were allowed to move on. They had the right uniforms and the right ID. No one bothered to look any closer.

She tried to study where they were going, but he was pushing her so fast she was almost running. Everything was blurred — or was it her eyes? It very quickly became obvious they were not headed for the medical center, but rather outside. A clock chimed into the silence. Four o'clock.