Generation 18(62)

"It went badly," he said. "And I realized my mistake. Hence the rule."

"How badly?"

"Very." He paused, not wanting to get into a discussion about an event that had happened long ago, even if that event still haunted his actions today. "While you're my partner, nothing will happen between us."

"And if I did happen to ask for a transfer? What then?"

Then he'd definitely be tempted. But to what end? He wasn't looking for anything more than a casual relationship — which was exactly what he had with Sandy. Free and easy, with no commitment or restraint on either side. In the brief time he'd known Sam, he'd learned one thing — she wasn't the casual type of woman.

"And are you considering asking for a transfer?" he asked

"At this point, no."

"Then it's a moot point, isn't it?"

His viaphone chose that moment to ring. Almost gratefully, he dug it out of his pocket and flipped it open.

Stephan's grim feature's greeted him. "There's been another murder."

Something clenched in Gabriel's gut. Surely not Miranda. "Where?"

"Up in Greenvale. Neighbors reported hearing two women screaming. The local cops have called us in."

Tension flowed from his body. Greenvale was no where near Strathmore. "So it's definitely connected to our serial killings?"

"From what they said, yes."

"Damn." Gabriel glanced at Sam. "There's been another murder. You able to handle the general alone?"

"I've been a cop for ten years. I don't think an interview with a general is beyond me."

He wasn't worried about her interviewing techniques. He was worried about leaving her alone with a man instinct told him they couldn't trust. He looked back at the viaphone. "I'll head there immediately. Have you heard anything about Miranda?"

"No. I called the old man, and he's still waiting to hear from Jes and Alain. You?"

"Nothing." If he didn't hear something soon, he'd call Jes and see what was going on. "You home?"

"Yes. Call me if anything happens."

He meant Miranda-wise, not case-wise. "Will do."

Gabriel put the viaphone away and met Sam's gaze. "Miranda's one of my adopted sisters, in case you were wondering."

She smiled slightly. "One of? How many do you have?"

"Four adopted, and two full sisters." And two dead brothers, he thought grimly. Lord, he did not want to lose anyone else. He guzzled the rest of his beer and stood up. "I have to go. Be careful with the general. Remember, he probably has his own reasons for being here."

She nodded. "I'll give you a call and let you know what happened."

"Do that." He dug the car keys out of his pocket and dropped them into her hand. "Take my car. You can pick me up in the morning."

She nodded. Gabriel walked from the room. Han was in the process of heading into the kitchen and stopped in surprise.

"You're leaving your pretty lady so soon?"

"She's not my pretty lady, or anything else, for that matter."

Han's smile was disbelieving. "I saw you together, my friend. Lie to yourself, if you wish. I have seen the truth."