Generation 18(51)

Izzy swung her boa, her expression a little startled. "My, we are a bit abrupt right now, aren't we?"

She rocked her chair back against the wall and rubbed her eyes. Now her damn com-unit was telling her off. These things were definitely becoming too human. "Sorry Izzy. I've got a bitch of a headache."

"Perhaps you should see a doctor."

There was something almost coy in Izzy's voice. She opened her eyes and stared at the pink fuzz-ball. "And can you recommend one?"

"I can recommend five, actually. Funnily enough, they've all bought Heat in the last month."

"Izzy, you're a doll. Did you cross reference the results with our shifter records?"

"Certainly did, sweetie. There's one match. Our doctor is a multishifter, but that's it, I'm afraid. Definitely no sister."

She tapped her fingers against the desk. The murderer was definitely a shifter, that much they knew. But that didn't explain how she was getting in and out without being seen. There was something else, something they were missing. "Make an appointment with her for me."

"Might want to reconsider that. The doctor in question is a vet."

"Then I'll hire a dog to take. What about the Jadrone search? That finished yet?"

"I've been working my butt off here, darlin'. Of course it's finished."

"Was Emma Pierce listed?"

"No. But Harry Maxwell was."

Sam let her chair thump back. "What?"

"That's right, sweetness. Also listed were Raylea Burns, Anna King and Dr. Brandon."

"These recent prescriptions?"

"Yes. Though all four have been taking the drug since their mid-teens, from the look of it."

Sam rubbed her forehead. "Do a check on the prescribing doctor. And get me his address."

"Consider it done, sweetie."

"Thanks." Sam watched the purple boa rotate for several seconds. "Izzy, are any of the four victims on file as being shifters?"

The boa twirled a little faster while Izzy searched the records. "Not a one."

Then why the hell were they being prescribed Jadrone? Especially at such a young age? "Get me the autopsy results for King, Burns and Brandon."

"On screen."

The three reports tiled onto the screen. She quickly read through them. No evidence of Jadrone had been found in the toxicology or blood reports. So why were they being prescribed the drug if they weren't actually using it?

"Izzy, who performed the autopsies?"

"Warren Michaels."

"Get him on vid for me."

Izzy tapped his foot for several seconds, and then he disappeared, replaced by a dark haired man in his mid-forties.

"Agent Ryan. What can I do for you?"

"You handled the serial killer autopsies, didn't you?"