Darkness Unmasked(70)

"Meaning it won't keep the sorcerer out?" If that was the case, then it was pointless.


"It will keep the sorcerer out if he uses magic to transport in. I doubt I can make something quickly enough that would also stop him from using magic to transport out if he happened to arrive in flesh form."


I frowned. "Aren't they the same thing?"


"No, they are not. It is easy enough to bounce magic to prevent entry. It is harder to contain once in."


Ah. You learned something every day. "What about the Raziq?"


"The wards will be designed to react to the energy of their beings, so will restrict entry regardless of the form they take."


"Does that mean they will also restrict Lucian?"


"My chrání has basically been reduced to flesh form, so no. But the restrictions that apply to the sorcerer would also apply to him."


Meaning he could not use any of his lover's magic to transport in and snatch the keys from under our noses, but he could certainly walk right in. If he managed to get past Azriel, that was. 


"So how long would it take for you to get something like that to me?"


He paused. "Perhaps a day. I will have a Razan deliver it to you."


"Thanks." It stuck in my craw to actually say that, but being polite didn't cost me anything, and it was certainly a better option than pissing him off in some way.


"Just ensure no one else gets this key, or I will not be pleased."


"I'll do my best."


The energy in the cylinder became so electric, the hairs on my arms stood on end. "I am not interested in your best. I just want that key."