Darkness Unmasked(58)

"That would depend very much on which life force is in control. If it is the elemental, then no."


"Well, at least we'd know for sure if the elemental has taken over."


Azriel nodded. "It may take me a few minutes. Do not leave the security of this place while I am gone."


"I won't."


He disappeared. I picked up the phone again and dialed Ilianna. "Hey, gorgeous," she said, expression cheerful and green eyes glowing with happiness. "How are you?"


I couldn't help smiling. "The celebrations obviously went well last night."


"Very well. I'm one contented mare right now. Not even the fact that I have to meet Carwyn again can spoil it."


Carwyn was the stallion her parents were trying to set her up with. According to Mirri, he was rather hot—in bed and out—but given Ilianna's preferences, she was either going to have to be honest with her parents or get stuck with a mate she didn't want.


"When is that happening?"


She grimaced. "Tomorrow night. I think it was supposed to be just him and me, but Mirri is coming along. She thinks we should be honest with him."


"It can't hurt, can it?" She couldn't help her sexual preferences, and the sooner Carwyn was aware of them, the better it would be for them all.


"He's a horse-shifter," she said dryly. "A male horse-shifter. They don't think straight when it comes to mares."


"I'm still siding with Mirri on this one."


"Traitor." The fierceness of her tone was more than a little diluted by the glint of amusement in her eyes. "To what do I owe the honor of this call?"


I hesitated, then said, "Tao's walked out of the café and can't be found. I don't supposed you've had any particular vibes were he's concerned?"