Darkness Unmasked(45)


The room itself was thin and narrow. A metal bar lined the left-hand side, and the scents emanating from it suggested it wasn't only booze being served, but synth blood. Maybe that was the reason behind the darkness—they didn't want to scare the human patrons with the knowledge of what they were serving vampires. It certainly wasn't illegal to serve synth blood, but it wasn't often done in places that catered to all races. Humans, vamps, and blood—even if only synthetic stuff—sometimes weren't a very good combination.


I made my way across to the bar. A small, thin vampire came up and gave me a pleasant smile. "What can I do for you?"


"I need to talk to the manager."


He raised a pale eyebrow, his gaze briefly skating down my length. Or what he could see of it, anyway, given the bar stood between us. Energy spun through the air, teasing the outer edges of my mind. He was trying to read me telepathically, but he didn't have a hope in hell, thanks to the superstrong nano microcells that had been inserted into my earlobe and heel. Nanowires—the predecessor of the microcells—were powered by body heat, but for the wires to be active, both ends had to be connected so that a circuit was formed. The microcells were also powered by body heat, but they were contradictory forces that didn't need a physical connection. Once fully activated, the push-pull of their interaction provided a shield that was ten times stronger than any wire yet created.


With them in place, no one was getting inside my head. Well, almost no one. Azriel certainly had no problems, and I suspected Lucian could read me more than he'd ever admitted.


And then there was Hunter, who always seemed to catch my thoughts at inopportune moments. Like when I was cursing her.


The energy died and he sniffed. It was a somewhat disdainful sound. "And who might I say is wanting her?"


"Risa Jones." I hesitated. "I'm here on orders of the vampire council."


"Really?" Amusement touched his mouth. "Just a moment, and I'll see if she's in."


"Tell her she'd better be, because she really wouldn't want a visit from Madeline Hunter right now."


The other eyebrow rose to meet the first, but he didn't say anything, just spun around and headed down the far end of the bar, disappearing through a rather solid-looking door.


I leaned back against the bar and studied the woman on the stage. "Do you think she might be our suspect?"


Azriel glanced at her, then shook his head. "She is a vampire. Whatever killed Hunter's friend was definitely something more."


"But the music she's playing seems almost hypnotic. I mean, look at them." I waved a hand around. "They can barely take their eyes off her."


"That is deliberate on her part. She feeds off them."