Darkness Unmasked(207)


Concern shot through me. How many? God, don't fight them—


I will do what I must, he said, in a tone that suggested he wasn't about to listen to reason no matter what I said. You worry about finding the key. Let me do what I am here to do.


I grabbed the banister and began climbing the stairs. You're here to keep me safe and find the keys. Getting dead isn't a part of that.


I have no plans in that direction.


It isn't your plans I worry about.


Ah, but you should, Risa, he said, his mental tones soft and almost wistful.


I frowned. Azriel, I really don't need to be worried about your motives on top of everything else, so quit it.


I wasn't talking about motives, he said, then, in more normal tones, added, But as you say, this is not the time. Razan have arrived.


Fear shot through me. What about the Raziq? And how many Razan?


I reached the top of the stairs and hesitated. The floor plan was a mirror image of the one below, but there were more people up here. My gaze swept the walls. Another four cameras. I wondered if anyone was watching them, or if they merely recorded events for viewing later if something went wrong.


Because something was most certainly about to go wrong. Just not in the way they suspected.


The Raziq keep their distance and wait. There are six Razan. Azriel hesitated. They do not feel right.


Oh, great. Meaning?


They have been infected with magic.


My stomach twisted a few more knots. You mean like the ones who attacked us when we lost the first key?