Darkness Unmasked(199)

"Your secret is safe with me." He wrapped his arms around my waist, dropped a kiss on my nose, then zapped us across to my aunt's.


To say our sudden appearance in the middle of her living room was something of a surprise would be the understatement of the year. I waited until she stopped swearing, then dropped a kiss on her cheek. "And good morning to you, too."


"Well, it was a good morning until you scared the life out of me and made me spill my coffee." Amusement teased her mouth and lit her gray eyes as she walked into the open kitchen area and grabbed a cloth. She tossed it to me, then added, "Seeing as I have to make a fresh cup, do you want one?"


"No, I haven't the time." I bent and wiped up the spillage. "I'm actually here for help." 


"I'm gathering it's not key related, given your determination not to involve any of us in that search." Her voice was wry. "Which, by the way, is neither warranted nor necessary. We have faced far worse in our lifetimes than rogue Aedh."


"Which is precisely why I don't want you involved." And she knew that. "But this is related. Sort of."


"Go on."


She crossed her arms and regarded me steadily. A rock I could always depend on, no matter what, I thought with a half smile.


"Lucian has kidnapped Ilianna and is holding her hostage against my good behavior at a warehouse in Link Court, Brooklyn. According to the Brindle witches, she's protected by magic that will allow neither Aedh nor reaper entry."


"Then I'm surprised Lucian is still alive. In a similar situation, I would have killed the bastard."


"A sentiment I totally agree with," Azriel said.


I gave him a look over my shoulder, but he merely raised an eyebrow at me.


"Then why isn't he dead?" Riley said. "It would solve the problem of being forced to do what you do not wish to."


"If he doesn't report in every hour, the men holding her have orders to kill her."

