Darkness Unmasked(156)


"Because we're not dealing with a dumb spirit here. She spotted me at Hallowed Ground and did a runner. She knows we're after her."


"Not even a spirit can deny the urge of a mother to feed her young," Hunter commented. "She didn't kill this afternoon, so if she still has young to feed, she will be forced to do so either tonight or tomorrow."


Undoubtedly. "So do you want me to go to the Falcon Club, or would you rather?" I kept my fingers crossed for the latter, because the last thing I really felt like right now was traipsing off to another bloody club.


As usual, it was a forlorn hope.


"I have no desire to be involved in the grunt work of investigating. That is what underlings are for."


A smile touched her lips, but it was in no way a nice smile. Just for a moment, I thought about Harry Stanford's offer and was tempted. Seriously tempted.


But only briefly. However desperate I might be feeling, I wasn't insane, and there was no way in hell I was going to cross the line and go up against Hunter.


"Just remember to contact me once you have found her," she continued, in that same sweet, do-it-or-I'll-kill-you voice. "Because I very much intend to do to her what she did to Wolfgang."


Consume her? Not just her blood, but her intestines, guts, and brain? Surely to god that wasn't possible for a vampire to do—blood yes, but not the innards as well? And yet if any vampire could be capable of it, then it would be Hunter.


Somehow, I managed to keep the horror out of my voice as I said, "You'll be the first person I call."


"I had best be the only call you make where this case is concerned."


I'd meant the comment sarcastically—it wasn't like I could call anyone else, anyway. But I didn't bother replying. I just hung up, shoved the phone away, and glanced at my watch. "Well, it's nine o'clock. Given I can't do anything else to find Ilianna, and I have no intention of going to that damn club earlier than I have to, we've got only one option left."


"And that is?" Azriel said, the slightest hint of a smile breaking his otherwise bland expression.


"We go home and make mad, crazy love to each other. Let's grab a moment of utter normality before the shit hits the fan completely."


Because a storm was coming. I could feel it. And I had a bad, bad suspicion I might not survive it.