Darkness Unmasked(146)


Possibly. And yet Kiandra—who was the head witch at the Brindle—had told me that as powerful as the magic around the Brindle was, it could not stop the Aedh from entering. Logically, therefore, it shouldn't be able to stop me. But then, I wasn't full Aedh. I was both flesh and energy.


That will change, an inner voice whispered darkly.


I shivered, but thrust the odd premonition out of my mind and took the steps two at a time. The huge—almost medieval-looking—wood and wrought-iron doors had been closed for the night, so I walked to the left side of the massive entrance and pulled the discreet cord. Deep inside the building, a bell chimed. I waited, and after a few minutes, footsteps approached. One door opened, revealing a brown-haired, slender, tunic-clad figure. It wasn't someone I'd met before.


"I'm sorry, but we're closed for the night." Her voice was soft, gentle. Raised voices were rarely used in this place of power.


"I know, but I need to speak to Custodian Zaira, please." I hesitated. "It's urgent."


"I'm not sure that she's here—"


"Then check," I cut in. Then, at the flash of annoyance that crossed her face, added, "Please. Tell her it's Risa Jones, and it really is important."


Her gaze swept me assessingly; then she nodded and closed the door. I listened to the retreat of her footsteps and wondered whether she was simply walking away or doing what I asked. After a few minutes, I heard her talking. Misplaced mistrust, I thought, and gave myself a mental slap. After a few minutes, she returned and opened the door, wider this time.


"Zaira has agreed to see you. Please, come in."


"Thank you."


I stepped through the doorway. The foyer wasn't exactly inviting, even in the daylight, but at night, its sheer size seemed to weigh on the shadows, so that they almost appeared to loom over me. It was a weird sensation—almost as if the walls themselves were standing in judgment of not only me, but all those who walked past.


I very much suspected I would be found severely wanting. At least at the moment.


"This way," the woman said softly.


She led the way down the long hall. The energy of this place was so strong that every step was accompanied by a spray of golden sparks. The old-fashioned electric sconces threw just enough light to ensure we didn't run into the walls, but they did little to otherwise lift the shadows.


The young witch led me into the visitors' waiting room, told me to wait, then went through the door behind the small desk and closed it firmly behind her. I knew from previous visits that you didn't get past this area without either a witch escort or special dispensation from Kiandra, but I was a little surprised at being held here this time. I'd have thought Ilianna's mom would have been here given I'd mentioned it was urgent.