Darkness Unmasked(133)


She had good eyes, because I'd deliberately kept the badge some distance from her.


"It means I work for the vampire high council." I kept my voice in the lower tonal ranges. There was a security camera in the corner, and while it was focused on the door, I had no idea if it was sound capable or not. The last thing I needed was Uncle Rhoan raiding their system and hearing me.


"So, not Directorate?"


"No." I hesitated. "I take it they have been here, though?"


"Yes. Yesterday." She frowned. "So are you a cop or what?"


I gave her what I hoped was a reassuring smile. "I lean more toward being a private investigator than something as official as a cop."


"Meaning you don't have the same sort of powers?"


"No." And I could see where this was leading—me being shown the door. I glanced at Azriel. Don't suppose you can apply a little reaper charm, could you? I know you're not supposed to, but we need to get this case moving so we can concentrate on our own.


He raised an eyebrow, but he gave the woman a full-wattage smile and said, "We tend to be the intermediaries between the council and the Directorate. We're used when the council does not wish a more official investigation."


"But they are involved with whatever you are here to ask about, aren't they?"


A woman immune to your wily ways, I said, amused. How amazing is that?


I suspect the reason is all the hair. She does not find it attractive, apparently.


Amusement bubbled through me, although I could certainly sympathize. Lots of hair wasn't on my must-have list when it came to men, either. Can you give her a little push into accepting us?


Only if it was key related, which this is not.


I mentally sighed, then said, "Look, we just have a couple of quick questions, but if you think either James Parred or Catherine Moore would prefer to speak directly to the guardians, that can be arranged."