Darkness Unbound(95)


He chuckled softly, the sound whispering across my skin as sensually as a caress. "No healthier than mine, let me assure you."


Oh yeah, this was going to be a good lunch. "Have you any particular preferences when it comes to food?"


"Not really." He paused. "Not Italian. The garlic could prove problematic."


"Not if we both have it," I countered.


He laughed. "Italian, then. There's a lovely little place called Alimento in Carlton. We could meet there at"—he paused, glancing down briefly—"one."


My pulse rate increased. He lived in Carlton. What was the betting Alimento also happened to be very close to his house?


"That sounds perfect."


"I'll see you soon then, lovely Risa."


He signed off. I sighed, and barely resisted the urge to fan myself. Hot and bothered really didn't go far enough to explain just what I was feeling right now—and yet, he'd done little more than flirt with me. I'd never met anyone who could affect me like this—but I guess I'd never met a full Aedh before now, either.


I glanced at the time and realized I wasn't going to make it home to Richmond to change and then get back to Carlton before one. I'd have to go dressed as I was. Thankfully, I'd had enough brain cells functioning this morning to pull on decent jeans and a cotton-mesh sweater that was see-through enough to tease the imagination of any hot-blooded male. But just in case his imagination needed a little more teasing, I reached underneath my sweater and unhooked my bra, pulling it off then dumping it into my desk drawer. If there was one good thing about being smaller in the breast department, it was the fact that they didn't sag a whole lot when unsupported.


Which meant I was ready to go, but I still had a good twenty minutes to kill. I glanced briefly at the accounts, half thought about making a start on next week's payroll, and decided to ring Mom instead. I pressed the vid-screen again, said her name, and watched the psychedelic colors swirl as the phones connected.


"Risa," she said, a warm smile touching her lips. Her eyes—the same almost-almond shape as mine, but electric blue rather than violet—showed a touch of surprise. "I wasn't expecting you to call so soon."


I smiled, too. "Nice to know I can still surprise you."


She chuckled softly. "Oh, trust me, you are more than capable of that, even now. What can I do for you?"


Straight down to business. Which meant she had clients waiting. "Have you heard from, or seen, my father since the night of my conception?"