Darkness Unbound(4)

"No. She had the flu and was dehydrated, which is why she was originally admitted. The doctors have run every test imaginable and have come up with nothing.” Mom hesitated. "Please, Ris. Her mother is a longtime client.”


My mom knew precisely which buttons to push. I loved her to death, but god, there were some days I wished I could simply ignore her.


"Which hospital is she in?”


"The Children's.”


I blew out a breath. "I'll head there now.”


"You can't. Not until eight,” Mom said heavily. "They're not allowing anyone but family outside of visiting hours.”


Great. Two hours to wait. Two hours to dread what I was being asked to do.


"Okay. But no more for a while after this. Please?”


"Deal.” There was no pleasure in her voice. No victory. She might push my buttons to get what she wanted, but she also knew how much these trips took out of me. "Come back home afterward and I'll make you breakfast.”


"I can't.” I scrubbed my eyes and resisted the sudden impulse to yawn. "I've been working at the restaurant all night and I really need some sleep. Send me the details about her parents and the ward number, and I'll give you a buzz once I've been to see her.”


"Good. Are you still up for our lunch on Thursday?”


I smiled. Thursday lunch had been something of a ritual for my entire life. My mom and Aunt Riley—who wasn't really an aunt, but a good friend of Mom's who'd taken me under her wing and basically spoiled me rotten since birth—had been meeting at the same restaurant for over twenty-five years. They had, in fact, recently purchased it to prevent it from being torn down to make way for apartments. Almost nothing got in the way of their ritual—and certainly not a multimillion-dollar investment company.


"I wouldn't miss it for the world.”




"Good. See you then. Love you.”