Darkness Unbound(35)


She rolled her eyes, her smile warm and amused. I'd known her all my life, and she looked as young now as she had when I was a kid. So did Uncle Rhoan. Liander was the only one who'd aged, and even then you could only see it in the fine lines around his eyes and near his mouth.


"He never wears it himself, you know. I think he just enjoys painting my toenails."


"Well, Uncle Rhoan never sits still long enough, so I guess you're the next best option."


She laughed and pushed open the door that led to the huge expanse that was their main living area. It was actually very similar in design to my own place, with the metal and brick of the old warehouse in plain view, and enhanced with lots of chrome and glass. But unlike ours, this place was filled with a riot of colors, from the green and rust of the huge sofas dominating the center of the room to the cherrywood and black of the kitchen. Huge paintings were dotted around the old walls—family portraits intermingled with light frames containing rolling images of forests and beaches. Aunt Riley had become so proficient at photography that she'd recently had her first exhibition. If the success of that was anything to go by, she was going to make a name for herself in the art world.


Not that that was her aim. Shoes were her true passion, and she'd been designing her own for years now. I had prototypes of the latest line in my wardrobe, and I have to say, they rocked.


Liander was sitting on the huge glass-and-chrome coffee table in the middle of the U-shaped line of sofas, but his welcoming smile faded as he looked at me. "What the hell happened to you?"


"Some shifters decided it would be a nice day for an ambush," I said, then changed direction as Riley nudged me toward the bathroom. "Although they weren't actually shifters."


"Strip and shower," Riley ordered. "And I'll get you some clean clothes. You," she added, as Liander made to follow us in, "go make me a coffee and grab Ris a Coke. The explanations can wait until we get her cleaned up. Or do you want to explain to Dia why we let her little girl stand around and bleed to death?"


"I'm hardly bleeding to death," I commented.


"That is not the point," she said. "I've seen your mother annoyed. And trust me, it isn't pretty. Go shower. I'll be back with antiseptic."


I stripped as she hustled Liander out the door, then stepped into the shower—which was even bigger than mine—and washed the grime and blood from my skin. It took a while, thanks to the fact that there were remnants of my discarded jeans and sweater stuck like glue to my skin.


Riley appeared as I began to towel off, clothing over one arm and a medical kit in her other hand. She dropped the clothes on the chair, then opened the kit.


"Those look like wounds from a large cat's claws." She grabbed the antiseptic and twisted the cap open.


I held up my arm. Though the slashes had stopped bleeding, the wounds still looked raw and bloody. I might be a crossbreed shifter, but quick healing was another of those things I didn't quite get enough of. "They are. But the thing responsible could only take on half-cat form."


"No explanations until I'm there to hear," Liander called from the kitchen. "The coffee and Coke are waiting on the table."