Darkness Unbound(224)


She might have started the Directorate, but it hadn't been for humanity's sake. Rather, it had been little more than a PR exercise for the vampire council.


If ruthlessness and cunning had a smell, then it would be this woman.


"You are your mother's daughter, aren't you?" she commented. "But you are right, of course. It benefited the council to have humanity protected by a body perceived as separate from the council."


Part of me wondered what Rhoan would say to something like that, and whether Jack actually knew he was running a front for the council. But the truth was, it didn't really matter. Not to me. And I very much suspected it wouldn't matter to humanity, either, simply because the Directorate did protect them. 


"Director, either tell me why you're here, or leave."


She gave me one of those cool vampire smiles. "I want you to work for me."


For me. Not the directorate. Her. "Why?"


"I believe we could be useful to each other."


I paused. "Why would you think I'd in any way want to help the vampire council?"


"Because you want to find your mother's killer."


"The Directorate has that investigation well under control." And even if there were very little in the way of leads, I had faith in Uncle Rhoan. If anyone could catch whoever had done this, he could.


"The Directorate, as efficient as it has proven itself to be at hunting and killing those foolish enough to transgress against humans, has neither the proficiency nor the potency of the high council. Trust me when I say it is like comparing a breeze to a cyclone."


"To quote an old, somewhat clichéd saying … I wouldn't trust you as far as I could throw you."


Humor flirted with her lips. I wondered if emotion ever did.


"Which is most definitely wise. However, I am serious. I want your help, and in return you will have the full services of the council and its Cazadors to hunt down this killer."