Darkness Unbound(216)

We threw the water on their backs. It hit the nearest hellhound full-force and splashed across the back of the other. Their flesh began to bubble and steam, and the first creature twisted and howled as his body disintegrated, the flesh dropping from his bones in chunks and the water like acid on his bones. Soon even they fell away, until all that remained was a writhing, boiling mass. Valdis hit the middle of it, and her blue fire exploded, sweeping away the shadowy smoke.


The second creature leapt. A warning surged up my throat, only to get stuck as Azriel swung around, his bright blade a smoking blur. It took the creature in the neck, severing its head from its torso. They fell to the ground in separate pieces that were consumed by the sword's dripping blue flames.


Azriel waited, holding Valdis over the remnants of the creatures until her screaming died and her flames muted. Only then did he turn around. His gaze swept the two of us and a small smile touched the corners of his lips. It said something about my exhaustion that I couldn't muster any sort of reaction.


"It was a very shrewd move to come to this church."


"It wasn't like we had much choice." I wiped a shaky hand across my forehead. It came away sweaty and bloody. I hadn't even realized I'd wounded my head. "Is the witch dead?"


"Yes." He hesitated, then added, "There were two men with her. I did not harm them, but I did restrain them."


"Then you need to give me the address so I can send it to Uncle Rhoan." He could uncover who the two men with Margaret were—and if they weren't two of the three men behind the consortium, he could take over the task of tracking them down, too. Right now, I'd done more than my fair share.


I stared at Azriel for a moment, unable to believe it was all over, then added, "I know they'll pay for their crimes with their lives, but somehow that just doesn't seem enough given what they did to little Hanna and the others."


Tao's hand grasped mine, squeezing lightly, but it was Azriel's small, cold smile that brought me the most comfort.


"Never fear, they will have an eternity to regret what they have done," he said softly. "The dark path has a special kind of purgatory for those who would destroy children."


"Good." I took a deep breath, but it didn't do a lot to ease the sick tension still roiling around inside me.


Which was odd, because the hellhounds were gone and we were safe …


And then I realized just what that sick tension was.




Something had happened to her.