Darkness Unbound(199)


Azriel winked back into existence. "He is being held in a room at the west end of the building. I believe there is some sort of spell binding him."


"Probably something that restricts his use of flame," Ilianna commented. Her gaze met mine. "I've integrated you into the spell's properties. You'll be able to walk through without the Charna knowing about it."


"Good." I glanced at the west end of the building, studying the windows and the roller door. There was definitely no entrance that way. "Once I deal with the men guarding Tao, you'll have to come in and de-spell him."


She frowned. "I can't weave my presence through the magic, because she'll sense the insertion of another magic user. And if I walk through it, it will notify her."


"Precisely. And hopefully, she'll come out of hiding."


"Or go so deep undercover that we won't find her."


"If she does that, then she's the Directorate's problem."


"No," Azriel said calmly. "She is mine."


I glanced at him. "Only if she appears before us, because you're restricted to following me."


Annoyance flashed briefly in his eyes. "She won't disappear. There is an arrogance in most of the dark ones that makes them believe they can best any situation. She will send her forces against us, and I will be able to locate her through them."


"Great, but I hope you'll understand me hoping like hell she doesn't send something against us. I really, really do not want to be confronting a soul stealer today."


Or any other day, for that matter.


"If I kill the Charna, then her creature should also die."


"It's the bits in between—you know, the part where it attacks me before you kill its master—that worries me."


"You will not die," he said, amusement flirting with his lips. "After all, if you do, how will I get my answers?"