Darkness Unbound(148)


And the whole come-alone thing only emphasized the danger.


It also meant I'd have to rebook my date with Lucian, and that was something I was sorry about. And not just because I hungered for his touch, but because I actually enjoyed his company.


I blew out a frustrated breath, then got out my phone and called him.


"Risa," he said, his bright eyes crinkling with warmth. "I wasn't expecting to hear from you so soon. Anything wrong?"


"I'm afraid I can't make our date tonight. Something's come up that I can't get out of."


He tsked. "That, my girl, is completely unacceptable. Especially given the challenge you threw out only yesterday."


"Yeah, I know, and I'm sorry—"


"What about this afternoon?" he cut in.


I blinked. Talk about eager! "I have a lunch date, and I start work at five."


"Which, presuming lunch will be finished by two, gives me at least two and a half hours for my sexual performance to match our kisses."


I laughed. I couldn't help it. "With a promise like that, how can I resist? When and where?"


"Well, the restaurant is open today, so my place won't be very private."


"And mine is never private." Which was a lie, because all the bedrooms were soundproofed. But there was still the possibility of the building being watched, so the fewer people I brought there, the better. Stane was risky enough. "We could go to Franklin's, which is a very discreet, very exclusive wolf club on Lonsdale Street. It offers both private dining and privacy booths in the main dance area."


"I take it exclusive means it requires membership?"


"Which I have, so no problem."