Darkness Unbound(109)


Any near-immortal possessing an average amount of smarts when it came to investments would have to be enormously wealthy, but I could certainly understand his reluctance to admit it. I bit into my sandwich, munching for several seconds and making him wait. I gave him my address, then added, "You sound anxious for our next date."


"I am. I've been asked to up my game, remember?"


I laughed again. "I've already got a lunch date tomorrow, and I'm working the evening shift. But you can meet me at RYT's at midnight, and we can go from there."


"Isn't the Blue Moon just down the road from you?"


I had another mouthful of sandwich, so I simply nodded. But I was half hoping he didn't want to go there. After the mess with Jak, I really preferred to avoid the club. Going there just wasn't worth the risk—if only because Jak still went there on occasion, and I really didn't want to meet up with him. If I did, I'd no doubt punch him—and that would only give him something else to write about.


"I've never been there," he commented, glancing at the rearview mirror, "but I've heard it's the best of the big clubs."


Damn. He wanted to go. "How could someone as old as you not have visited the Blue Moon? It's been around forever."


He snorted softly. "Hardly. Even white settlement hasn't been here that long. Besides, I haven't been in town long enough yet to visit all the local hot spots."


He glanced in the rearview mirror again, and something in his expression had the hairs along the back of my neck rising.


"What's wrong?" I resisted the urge to look around and flicked the sun visor down instead, looking into the vanity mirror. The traffic behind us looked normal. Certainly there wasn't anything I could see that jumped out and screamed Problem.


"See that green Toyota on the right two cars back?"


I frowned. "Yeah. What of it?"


"I noticed it pulling out of a parking space several cars back from us when we left the restaurant. It's been shadowing us very carefully ever since."


"He could be just going the same way as us."


"He could." His gaze met mine. "But do you really want to take that chance, given what happened yesterday?"