Darkness Splintered(87)


"Perhaps she just didn't think anyone would notice them." After all, from what Aunt Riley had said over the years, witnesses often had trouble agreeing on what suspects looked like, let alone the smaller details of what they were wearing, like shoes.


Stane studied the image frozen onto the screen for a moment. "Suspecting this shifter is both Sands and Macintyre doesn't actually leave us any closer to finding any of them."


"No." I stood up and began to pace. "How the hell are we going to find someone who can change their features at will?"


"Your only real hope is to chase the paper trail," Stane said. "Both Macintyre and Sands own properties. Perhaps our best bet is to track both purchases, and see if there's a common link. Maybe a company they both went through or something."


I nodded. It was probably a long shot, but it was better than doing nothing. "While you're doing that, check for a bloke named Michael Greenfield or a company called Pénombre Manufacturing. They own an empty warehouse in Maribyrnong that just happens to be sitting on another ley line. Jak" – I hesitated as tears stung my eyes again; I blinked them away and cleared my throat before continuing – "wasn't able to find much about them."


"Will do."


I glanced at Azriel. "In the meantime, we should go search Genevieve Sands's place. Maybe she hasn't had the chance to clear it out yet."


"Unlikely," Azriel said, his expression grim. "She blew up the storage unit hours after we talked to her, remember. It is doubtful she'd risk remaining in Prahan, given she undoubtedly knows about Stane and his computer skills, thanks to her association with the Aedh." 


"God," I muttered, "the bastard is dead and he's still causing us problems."


"And will no doubt continue to do so until both sorcerers are dealt with."


Dealt with – the polite way of saying dead. Not that I was, in any way, doubting the necessity of it.


I sighed and walked back to Azriel. "You'll let us know if you find anything useful," I said to Stane.


He nodded. "I'll also check if the autopsy results are ready on the body parts found in the locker. If it was Genevieve Sands, then at least it basically confirms the shifter theory."


Because it wasn't Genevieve who'd walked back into that building just before the blast, but a shifter wearing my face. And it was a wonder the police hadn't contacted me about the events – unless, of course, Uncle Rhoan was running interference with them.


"Draw your sword," Azriel said, as he caught my hand and tugged me toward him. Valdis was already in his free hand.