Darkness Splintered(78)


Of course, while I had no doubt that the body found in the smoking ruins of that storage locker did belong to Genevieve Sands, the question that had to be answered was, was it the same Genevieve Sands we'd seen exiting the place, or had we interviewed someone who'd assumed her identity?


"The stone at the storage place might have been destroyed, but it is possible the one at the Razan's place remains," Azriel commented.


I frowned. "Would the Razan still be alive given Lucian is dead?"


"If they were Lucian's Razan, then no, they would not."


"We should check."


"Yes." His gaze met mine, his expression holding an echo of the frustration that ran through me. "It is also possible Stane was able to get surveillance in here."


"Possibly. I want to see him anyway, because I want to check the surveillance tapes for the storage unit."


Azriel frowned. "Why?"


"Something the receptionist said before she died strikes me as odd."


"She didn't say much before she died."


"She might not have said much, but she did say, ‘You changed again.'" I met his gaze. "Why would she say that? The only other time she saw me was when we went in there to check out the storage locker that first time, and I'd face-shifted, so it wasn't even me she was seeing."


"That is true," Azriel said. "But you are not the only face shifter in Melbourne. And remember, the sorcerer is more than likely a face shifter."


"Yeah, but he's male. He shouldn't be able to take on the form of a female."


"‘Shouldn't' doesn't mean he can't."


Unfortunately, that was all too true. I scanned the room a final time, and caught sight of something glinting at the base of the wardrobe that had held all the men's clothing.