Darkness Splintered(60)

"I'm not." I glanced at my phone, said, "Aunt Riley," and watched the psychedelic patterns swirl prettily across the screen. It seemed to take forever, but finally, Riley's image popped onto the screen. I released the breath I hadn't even realized I'd been holding. She was safe. Alive. Although even if Hunter was crazy enough to attack someone in the sanctity of Brindle's halls, surely even she wouldn't touch anyone in the Jenson pack. She might not fear Riley or her twin brother Rhoan, but surely even she wouldn't want to draw the ire of Riley's mate, Quinn. Not only was he a very old vampire, but he was also a former Cazador, and part Aedh.


"Risa," she said, her warm, mellow tones echoing the relief I could see in her expression. "You've obviously resurfaced from your drinking binge."


My smile felt tight. False. "Is everyone there okay?"


She frowned. "Yes, of course. Why?"


I hesitated. She had no idea I was working for Hunter, and that's exactly how I wanted to keep it.


"I had a premonition that someone close to me was in danger," I said, glad we were talking on the phone rather than in person. I might have the benefit of super-strong nano microcells – which were the successor of nanowires, and, like them, designed to shield the wearer from psychic intrusion – inserted into my earlobe and heel, but Aunt Riley was one of the strongest telepaths out there, and the microcells were never designed to fend off someone like her. Hell, even Hunter could catch the occasional thought – and usually at the wrong time, like when I was mentally cursing the bitch. "I just wanted to make sure you were all okay."


"Well, it's no one in my pack. You know I'd sense it if it were."


I did know, but it was still a relief to hear it said. Riley wasn't clairvoyant or anything like that, but besides being a very strong telepath, she was also a twin. She and Uncle Rhoan had a connection deeper and stronger than any psychic talent, and the two of them always knew when the other was in trouble. That bond, over the years, had extended to Liander, Rhoan's mate. And Riley and Quinn were in constant telepathic contact. If any of them were in trouble, she'd certainly know.


She added, "Are you okay? You don't look that great."


"Drinking yourself under the table will do that." I forced a smile. "It's nothing a few decent-sized steaks won't fix."


"And the key hunt? How goes that?"


"It doesn't." Which wasn't really a lie, because right now, it was going nowhere. "We're finding nothing but dead ends."


"Which is another reason for bringing Quinn and me in on the search. Maybe you need a fresh set of eyes on the evidence."


Not a hope in hell. It was bad enough that I'd pulled Ilianna, Tao, and even Jak into the line of fire. There was no way I would endanger the two people I considered pseudo parents.


"Thanks," I said. "But there's actually no point because, as I said, we have no fucking clue where anything or anyone is."