Darkness Splintered(197)

Which left me with running.


And that's exactly what I did. The slug balls were after me with alarming alacrity. Amaya was a fierce storm battering my thoughts, wanting to stand and fight, and frustrated that we weren't.


Later, I promised her. We need to catch the sorceress first.


Kill, she muttered. Feed.


If we catch her, you can do both.


Faster run, she muttered.


I snorted softly. Like I wasn't already running as fast as I could. The trouble was, even though this world was destined to become mine on my death, it wasn't yet, and the constraints of flesh were affecting me here. I wasn't a particularly fast runner in the real world, despite being part werewolf, and that – unfortunately – translated over to the field.


But at least the promise calmed Amaya's storm. She still wanted to fight, but the promise of blood had quieted her for the moment.


The wind of the approaching slug masses grew stronger. I bit my lip, reaching for greater speed. The slender shadow I chased was no longer in view, so either this corridor turned or she'd already left it.


Door, Amaya said. Left.


I flung out my free hand, saw an answering flare of warm light, and threw myself through it. As I hit the ground and rolled, the slug balls went past. I jumped up, pressed a hand against the door to close it, then ran after the shadow.


We were in a wide expanse of what looked like a courtyard. Buildings soared above us, casting no shadows even though they dominated the skyline. Something swooped, and I ducked instinctively. Two forms appeared out of the gray, one that was black and winged, the other lilac and serpentine. The Dušan – mine and Azriel's. Relief slithered through me. The Dušan might have as little luck against the slug mass as me, but at least they'd be able to delay the progress of the things.


Maybe enough for me to catch the bitch ahead, anyway.


From behind us came an odd cracking. I glanced over my shoulder. One section of the honeycombed tunnel was smoking, collapsing. A heartbeat later, the two massed balls rolled through. They didn't even slow, just made a beeline for us.


The Dušan screamed and dove into their midst, sending gray forms scattering as they bit and slashed. Several rolling lumps re-formed out of the main two masses, the smaller ones immediately skirting around the larger two to come after me.