Darkness Splintered(16)

A chrání, in Aedh speak, basically meant student or protégé. "That doesn't actually answer my question."


Yet again his amusement touched the air. While it was nice that he was in such a jovial mood, I suspected it wouldn't take much to bring back his wrath.


He said, "Only those of Aedh blood can enter sacred temples."


Meaning the gates weren't considered sacred? Why not? "So I could enter them, if I needed to?"


His energy swirled around me, contemplative in its feel. I wasn't entirely sure why, given he could access my thoughts and would have to know where this was heading.


And yet, his next question suggested the exact opposite. "Why might you wish to access the temples?"


"Lucian was a devious bastard who trusted no one." And rightly so, given it was my father who'd betrayed him to the Raziq in the first place. "Not only would he have kept information about the sorcerer's identity, but he would have kept it somewhere not even the sorcerer could access."


"Being Aedh does not automatically give you access to the temples – indeed, only those initiated into the order can move freely within the inner realm of the temples."


"Which is a roundabout way of saying I'll need your help?" And it would come at a price, of that I had no doubt. Still, it was worth reminding him exactly what was at risk. Hell, he might even surprise me and offer help without threats or strings.


And tomorrow, those damn pigs will fly.


"You will need help to access the temples, yes, but I will not be able to provide it. The Raziq have traps waiting around them." Contempt darkened his tone as he added, "They hope to ensnare me should I be foolish enough to go near." 


"So how in the hell am I supposed to get into the place if you can't help me? I'm thinking you don't want me asking the Raziq for help."


Anger surged, strong enough to snatch my breath and send lilac sparks skittering down Amaya's sides. "That would be unwise."


"Then how about offering a fucking solution, instead of just threats?" I snapped. "Because if you want the sorcerer shut down before he can use the key, I need some help."


"There's your reaper. While they are not initiated into the order, they have always had access to the temples."