Darkness Splintered(127)

"Interesting," the disembodied voice that was Yeska replied. "Two have become one. That would explain the lack of response in the device we placed in your heart."


He could have been discussing the weather, for all the emotion in his voice. And yet, that device had been the only way they'd had of knowing when I was in my father's presence, so it was a good bet there was a lot of background anger and frustration happening right now.


"Yes," Azriel replied evenly. "And if you think to rectify the situation in any way, be prepared for the consequences. She is Mijai now. Attack one, and you attack all."


That certainly explained the attitude of the reaper bearing the two swords. It wasn't just that I'd made Azriel fail, it's that I'd put them all in a bad light.


"We have no need to attack either of you," Yeska replied, a hint of amusement in his tones. "She will comply when the lives of her friends are at stake."


"No, she won't," I spat back. "Because if you harm one hair on the head of anyone I care about, I promise you, the remaining keys will be broken into little pieces and placed where absolutely no one —"


"Do not threaten us." His fury whipped around us, snatching my breath and stinging my skin.


Amaya reacted instantly, her fire almost sun-bright. Just for a second, I caught a shimmer of energy behind the shield. The Raziq, and more than one of them.


Kill can, Amaya said.


I glanced at her sharply. How? Valdis can't break the shield, and she's stronger.


Am smarter, Amaya replied. Use floor.


I glanced down. Fuck, she was right. The floor wasn't shielded. None of the cavern floors had been shielded, when I thought about it.


They'd see you coming. And see me throw her.


Flame out can.


Yeah, but there was still the whole throwing problem. Amaya could move under her own steam, but I suspected it would be easier for her to cut through the stone if she had some momentum behind her.