Darkness Splintered(108)


I frowned. What the hell is a fragmented ghost?


It happens when the part of the soul that walks the field is killed. The traveler not only dies in flesh as well as spirit, but it sends the remainder of their soul mad. It is the source of the ghosts who wail. They can do little else. He bowed slightly.Until next we meet.


And with that, he disappeared. I shook my head and imagined myself back in my body. I whooshed back quickly – a little too quickly, as it turned out. My eyes sprung open as I gasped in shock.


"Whoa," I said, swallowing heavily as my stomach leapt up into my throat. "Forgot all about the side effects of doing that."


The bed dipped as Azriel sat beside me and held out a can of Coke. "Would this help?"


"If I was a normal person, no it wouldn't." I pushed upright, and ignored my rebellious stomach as I accepted the Coke. "I, however, happen to have this stuff running through my veins."


He smiled. "And here I was thinking it was junk food that fueled you."


"Speaking of which, where's the pizza? If I don't eat it, you'll nag me."


He nodded toward the bedside table, then added, "What did Markel want?"


"He was basically warning me to get a move on with the keys." I leaned sideways and snagged a thick slice of pizza, then, just in case one of my astral watchers was near, silently added, And playing middleman for Stanford. It doesn't take a genius to guess what he wanted. 


You said no?


Of course. Just because I sometimes choose to ignore consequences doesn't mean I'm not aware of them. I munched on the pizza and added, And I think the consequence of me going up against Hunter would be me getting dead.


Death in this form, maybe, but you would live on in energy form.


Sorry Azriel, but that's not something I want right now. Especially given it meant me becoming a Mijai. I frowned. If I did happen to die, what happens to our child? Would he die, or would he also become energy?


He would also become Mijai – although obviously not a serving one. Not until he reached maturity.