Darkness Rising(99)

Then the words just yet registered. I licked my lips and tried not to think about the underlying threat. I tried to think with some degree of clarity. It wasn’t easy when my head felt like someone was trying to claw their way out of it.


So why was he using ordinary wire when silver was a much safer option for werewolves? If he knew enough about me to construct a barrier capable of preventing me becoming Aedh, then he’d obviously know I was also part were. What was he planning?


It was a thought that niggled as I said, "To repeat my earlier question, what the hell do you want with me?"


"I want what my predecessor wanted. The keys, or the book that tells us how to find them. I’m not fussed either way."


"But why do you want them? You’re neither Aedh nor reaper, so gaining the keys to heaven or hell would be useless to you."


"Who said I wanted the keys?"


I carefully shifted position until I could see both him and the wire that was holding me hostage. It was a fine gray line that snaked away into deeper shadows. I had no idea what I was attached to, but I had no doubt it would be secure. I tested it anyway, and got the result I expected. No give, and no indication that it would readily pull free of whatever waited at the other end.


Interestingly, Forman didn’t comment. Which maybe meant that, if I kept my actions small enough, he wouldn’t see them.


"So it’s Harlen who actually wants the keys?" I said.


He paused. "I don’t know a Harlen."


"Well, you certainly did when you were talking to Handberry the night he died. In fact, Handberry was going to meet him. I guess it’s lucky that Harlen didn’t actually turn up, or he might have become the soul stealer’s dessert."


I shifted back onto my butt and hugged my knees close to my chest. Fire ran up my bruised legs, but I ignored that. The position got me closer to the wire tying my legs together. But there was no knot to undo. The damn thing had been soldered on.


"Ah yes, I do recall that conversation now," he said, clearly amused if the note in his voice was anything to go by. "But Harlen is of no interest to either of us right now."


And yet his casual dismissal had instinct suggesting that the very opposite was true. "I hate to break this to you, but anyone involved in the attempted murder of my friends is of interest to me right now."


"Harlen didn’t order any attacks on your friends."