Darkness Rising(89)


He didn’t say anything. No surprise there. This reaper could make a clam seem chatty.


Footsteps clattered up the stairs, and I knew by the sound it was Ilianna. She might be fleet of foot, but she had a heavier step than most.


"Whoa," she said, stopping abruptly in the doorway and glancing between Azriel and myself. "Tension, much?"


I grimaced. "It’s just a disagreement about trustworthiness. Nothing major."


Ilianna’s gaze centered on Azriel. "So who don’t you trust?"


"Lucian," he said, calmly.




"Good luck getting a real answer for that one," I muttered, at the same time that Azriel said, "Because he is one of the fallen, and they should never be trusted."


"Is this experience talking, or merely word of mouth?" Ilianna asked.


"Lucian is fallen." He said it like that one word explained it all.


"One mistake does not mean the man is pure evil," Ilianna said reasonably, though it didn’t look like it was having much impact on Azriel. "Are you sure there’s no deeper reason?"


He lifted an eyebrow. "I do not understand the question."


Ilianna snorted. "Sure you don’t." She glanced at me. "You wanted to see me?"


"Would you happen to know how to create a magical void around an object?"


She blinked. "In theory, yes, although I’ve never actually created one. Why?"