Darkness Rising(67)

Azriel shrugged. "I cannot alter the manner in which I appear. I am either here or I am not."


Which wasn’t exactly true, because he could be here and not be visible. He’d done that more than a few times.


"How did your scouting trip go?" I asked.


"There were six Razan in the tunnel. But there are now five, thanks to one taking a rather careless step into the street without looking first."


"And his soul?"


"Guided down the dark path, as was his lot."


"By you?"


He nodded. "Why do you seem surprised? I told you before that was my intention."


"Yeah, but I wasn’t sure if you meant actually guiding the soul as well. I mean, you’re a Mijai, not a reaper."


"I was a reaper long before I was a Mijai."


"So becoming a Mijai is a promotion?"


His smile held a slightly bitter edge. "No, it is not. We are merely the warriors, the dark angels. Reapers are the soul guides, and that is truly an honored position."


"All reapers are guides, but not all reapers can become Mijai, so why would the former be more honored than the latter? Both do important tasks." 


"Yes, but we are called dark angels for a reason. We really must go."


"Not without telling me the reason for the moniker."