Darkness Rising(55)

"Isn’t the nanowire more important at this juncture?" Azriel commented.


"Yes, but I doubt Hunter is going to come waltzing into the restaurant anytime soon. Plus, we’d never get anyone to step in for me this late."


"Then what time do you finish this evening?"


"Eleven. Or thereabouts, depending on how busy we are. Why?"


"Because while you are working, I will scout out the tunnels the Raziq hide in."


"Won’t they sense you?"


"Yes, but one of their Razan is allotted to die this evening. I will use that to our advantage."


Meaning he’d follow him around like a regular reaper until the moment his death occurred. As plans went, it was pretty good. At least we’d know the lay of the land before we went in. "But won’t that piss off whatever reaper has already been assigned the job?"


He frowned. "Piss off means ‘annoy,’ does it not?" And when I nodded, he continued, "Why would you think it would annoy whoever was his previously allotted guide?"


"Well, you’re usurping his position."


"That’s not the way it works for us. And this investigation would get priority even if it was."


"And here I was thinking you were stuck like glue to my ass until everything was done and dusted."


"Well, at least it is a most suitable ass to be following," he said, and winked out of existence.


Leaving me a little speechless. What sort of compliment was "suitable"? And why the hell was he even noticing my ass anyway? Especially given his stated disinterest in the human race as a whole, and the human body in particular?


I shook my head, beginning to suspect I was never going to understand him. Then I left the locker room and made my way back to my bike, pausing only to place my promised call to Ilianna, assuring her all was okay.