Darkness Rising(183)


I finished my meal and was on my second cup of coffee—feeling more alive if not more energetic—by the time he arrived.


Azriel opened the door. For a moment, the two men stared, reminding me of combatants in a boxing ring, each one measuring up the other. Then Azriel stepped aside and Lucian’s gaze met mine.


It was the gaze of the Aedh, not the lover. He was here for business, nothing more. Even the kiss he dropped on my lips was perfunctory, containing little in the way of warmth or desire.


He pulled out a chair and sat beside me. "What are we searching for?"


"The first key is veiled as an ax, but all I managed to get from the book before we were attacked was: It was sent to the west of Melbourne where the wild—" I shrugged. "Wild what I have no idea. Nor do I know if it’s literal or cryptic."


"The Aedh don’t do cryptic," Azriel commented. He’d stationed himself on the other side of the table, his arms crossed and face impassive. Yet dark blue flames flickered across Valdis’s sides, and I wondered if that was a sign of his annoyance or merely a reaction to Lucian’s presence.


His gaze flicked to me. Both.


Seriously, you need to stop reading my thoughts.


I cannot. Live with it. His mental voice was short and sharp, and I wanted to laugh.


You know, if I didn’t know better I’d think that was an edge of emotion creeping into your tone.


As I said, there are drawbacks to holding this shape for long periods of time.


The ability to become emotional being one of them? Interesting. And of course, the perverse part of me suddenly wondered if, with emotion, came desire.


And naturally, that was one internal question he didn’t answer.


"So," Lucian said, "the mention of wild could mean anything from half the name of a sports team to a museum filled with stuffed animals."


"Or a zoo." I paused and frowned. "Although I can’t imagine that the Raziq would be daft enough to hide an ax in a sporting club."