Darkness Rising(149)


A hole that I dove through.


Fire and heat and energy assaulted my skin, and for the briefest of moments it really did feel as if I were aflame. Then I was through, hitting the ground on the other side and rolling to my feet.


Selwin’s eyes widened as she saw me. She raised her hands, and energy began to crawl from them. She was attempting to raise more creatures.


I called to the Aedh within me, hoping like hell that Azriel was right, and that as a half-human I would be able to become Aedh when the magic of this place barred full-bloods.


I shouldn’t have doubted him.


The magic within me erupted, flowing through my body, snatching away pain and sensation as it began to change me from flesh to energy. I dove forward and wrapped my arms around Selwin’s waist, dragging us both to the ground. Her scream of anger became one of fear as the Aedh change swept from me to her, but it was abruptly cut off when her body and mine swept from flesh to energy.


I could feel her in me—feel the seething mass of anger and fear and shock twisting and turning like a malignant canker deep inside. The weight of her forced me low to the ground but I swept as quickly as I was able through the trees. The light of the fire creatures soon faded and the darkness closed in again, but the air remained alive with that odd awareness. So far, the forest had not reacted to anything that had happened. I could only hope it would remain so once I neared the exit, because I had a feeling this place could bring to life a far deeper and darker magic than what Selwin had called forth.


The gates came into view. For an instant blue fire flared across the wrought iron—a shimmer that was reflected in the old wire fence to either side. The energy of it slapped across the air, hitting like a ton of bricks and halting my progress in an instant. I hung suspended, unable to move, as that unseen force swept through me.


Then it was gone, and I could move again. I fled through the gates, saw Azriel, and called to the Aedh. The energy swept through me again, picking apart particles, separating me from Selwin, re-forming our beings into two separate people.


We fell to the ground in a tangle of arms and legs. I rolled away with a groan, my head on fire and my heart pounding so hard it felt ready to tear out of my chest. In fact, everything hurt. For several seconds, it was a battle just to breathe.


Then a warm, strong hand clasped mine, and energy began to flow through me, batting away the pain and hurt and forcing strength back into my limbs.


Someone was moaning, and despite that influx of energy, it took me several minutes to realize it wasn’t me but Selwin. Which meant I’d put her back together okay, and that was a huge relief. I wasn’t exactly experienced at shifting into Aedh form with someone else in my arms. Nor did I really want to be—not when it took such a toll on my body.


I forced my eyes open. Azriel was kneeling beside me, his expression fierce. When his gaze met mine, the fierceness faded, as did the flow of strength from his fingers. But he kept hold of my hand and I was glad. There was something oddly comforting about the way his fingers clasped mine.


"Are you all right?" he asked.


I nodded. The movement, although slight, made my head pound, but it was nowhere near as fierce as it usually was after a shift.