Darkness Rising(135)

Nice. Not. "I can’t imagine he was too happy about that."


"It’s hard to say, since he did not actually survive the experience."


Which was why he wasn’t on the list. "You allowed the younger ones to kill him?"


"I didn’t. The punishment was administered by the Melbourne council, not the high council." Mirth glinted in her cool green eyes. "His death was not intended, but things got out of control. It happens sometimes."


Meaning it had been allowed to happen. An arena filled with some of the strongest vampires in Melbourne could have easily controlled such a small number of younger counterparts.


"Then why did Alston fear retribution if Whitfield was dead? And who would be seeking it now?"


"If I knew the answer to that second question, you would already be dead," she said. "As to the first, Whitfield did have a number of friends on the council who swore vengeance. However, they saw the error of their ways, and I doubt they are behind the Maniae curse. They don’t have the skills needed, for one thing."


Meaning they’d been threatened with a similar fate if Hunter’s expression was anything to go by. "According to Greenfield, you don’t need any sort of witch skill. You just need the spell and the desire."


"But it is a spell no one but a witch can get access to."


"We both know a witch did recently access it."


"Ah yes," she drawled. "I have already talked to the Frankston coven. They can tell us little of interest about Deborah Selwin."


"Meaning we’ve hit a dead end?"


"Meaning I have placed a watch on her home and her business, and I will interrogate her the minute she appears at either." She paused again. "Of course, it would be unfortunate for you if I did get hold of her first."


Which I doubted she would, if what I’d been told at the Brindle was any indication.


"You won’t. I’ll be in contact when I have her." It was said with more confidence than I felt. I signed off and shoved my phone into my pocket. "Did you hear all that?"