Darkness Hunts(88)


"Maybe, but that was the past. Let it go."


She snorted. "Is that what you're doing? Letting it go and forgiving? I thought you had more sense than that."


"Uh, hello?" Jak said, his voice a little hoarse. "Remember me? Still stuck to the door here, and it's getting rather uncomfortable."


I gave her a pointed look, and she sighed. "If you insist."


She made another flicking motion, and there was a thunk as Jak was released from the door.


"So nice of you," Jak muttered in a dark voice.


Ilianna snorted again. "Trust me, if it weren't for the rule that states whatever harm I do to you will be returned to me threefold, I would have done a whole lot worse than try to force you out the door."


He climbed slowly to his feet, then rotated his shoulders, as if trying to work out a kink. "Look, I can't take back the past—"


"And you wouldn't, even if you could," she snapped.


"True, but that doesn't mean I don't have regrets—"


"The only thing you regret is not being able to unleash the second part of that damn story because you were under the threat of jail time—or worse—from her uncle."


"Well, yeah, but—"


"Guys," I interrupted before things could get more out of hand. "Let it go. That's not what we're here for."


Ilianna gave me a somewhat cross look. "I don't care what he's here for."


I walked over and caught her hands in mine. "Thank you," I said softly, "for caring so much. But right now we need all the help we can get, and I'm afraid that means using Jak. Just trust me, okay? I know what I'm doing."