Darkness Hunts(224)


His shadow inched over my toes. It felt like oil, slick and dangerous, and my skin crawled at the sensation.


Kill, Amaya screamed. Touch you not.


Not yet. He was too far away. Too watchful.


I flexed my fingers, but otherwise didn't react as his slimy darkness began to twist itself around my ankles. It was nothing but shadows. Nothing to fear, despite appearances.


Taylor laughed. The sound grated across the stillness around us. I see you will not be rushed into foolish action, huntress. I'm glad.


Making you happy is not my intent, I replied, voice still despite the darkness creeping farther up my legs. Why don't you give this game up, Taylor, and just turn yourself in?


And what? Avail myself of the Directorate's mercy? We both know there is no such thing for someone like me. No, I prefer to play the game my way. At least then I am surer of a favorable result.


Then let the game begin, I said, and called Amaya.


She appeared in a blaze of furious lilac fire, eager to taste flesh, be it real or astral. I swung her across my legs, severing the darkness that clung to me. Her flames dripped onto Taylor's long shadow and raced back down its length, but they never reached his body, stopping abruptly several feet away.


Come, huntress, he said, his tone mocking. You can do better than that.


All I intended was to release your leash, I said. This is your game, Taylor, not mine. I think the first shot should be yours.


As you wish, he said, then disappeared.


I'd half hoped he would make an all-out frontal assault, but it was obvious the bastard was going to make this battle long and slow. Which didn't mean I had to play it that way.


I closed my eyes and imagined myself standing next to him. Though there was little sensation of movement, I suddenly found myself at the far end of the beach. Taylor's footprints marred the white sand, but Taylor himself was nowhere to be seen.


I frowned and half turned, my gaze searching the emptiness around me. There was nothing—nothing except the sensation of air recoiling. It wasn't from Taylor, but rather from something else. Something that was approaching really fast.