Darkness Hunts(183)

"Which is why I do not use the magic of this world."


I stared at her, my stomach twisting into knots. "You exploit the power of hell to create your spells? That is a very dangerous practice—"


She snorted, the sound unladylike and at odds with the image she was projecting. "I think I understand better than you just what it is I'm dealing with."


Somehow I doubted that. I might not have had much experience with hell and its denizens, but I did have a healthy respect for just how dangerous they could be—something Lauren appeared to have lost.


"Look, I really don't think a ward powered by the energy of hell is something I should be handling." Especially not when I had a sword at my back eager to kill all things related to hell.


"You cannot make that judgment without at least looking at it," Lucian commented. "I have handled it without harm, and its magic seems no better or worse than what the Raziq use."


I cast him a somewhat wry look. "You would say that, given how desperate you are for revenge."


"I cannot deny I have a stake in this device working. If we get the remaining keys, we can force a confrontation with the Raziq." He hesitated, and something flickered briefly in his eyes. Something that was altogether too dark for my liking. "That is something I have long desired."


"If you confront the Raziq, you'll be dead. There's too many of them."


"I am not suicidal, dear Risa." He slid his hand under my skirt and gently squeezed my thigh. His fingers were warm and familiar, but there was no must-have-you-now-or-I'm-going-to-melt hormonal attack. Which didn't mean it had no effect, just that my response was basically normal when being intimately touched by someone who was as sexy as all get-out. The charm, it seemed, was working. He added, "I plan to be around to devastate your bed long after the keys are history and the Raziq are little more than a bad memory."


Anger stirred the air, a sharp burst that was quickly contained. I glanced at Lauren. Her expression was as calm and as regal as ever. The only sign that the flash had come from her was the whiteness of her knuckles as she gripped her wineglass. But the moment she caught the direction of my glance, her grip eased. I resisted the temptation to smile. Lauren was in for one hell of a shock if she thought Lucian would ever stay with just her.


Although it had to be said, if they were lovers, then Lucian was playing with fire. A sorceress wouldn't be someone you'd want to make an enemy of.


"Which is presuming I'd actually want you in my bed by then."


Amusement crinkled the corners of his eyes. "Of course you will. I'm a magnificent lover, and we both know it."


"What you are is conceited, Lucian Dupont."