Darkness Hunts(177)

I sighed. "We can't keep doing this, Azriel. We can't keep arguing over this same point. Either you and I take the risk of deepening our relationship, or you accept the fact that I will take other lovers, be that Lucian or not."


He made a sharp "whatever" motion with his hand. "You are right. I will not mention it again."


"Good." I spun on my heel and headed for the door.


But as I reached for the handle, he added, "I told you once that reapers are sexual beings, that we mingle energies and recharge ourselves with other energy beings."


I paused, my fingers still on the door handle as I glanced over my shoulder. "Yes, so?"


His expression was as remote as ever. "So, we can only recharge with those who possess a harmonious frequency, and such compatibility is not widespread. When a connection is found, it is to be cherished."


I frowned. "I'm not getting the link between this and what we were discussing."


"The connection," he said softly, "is the fact that I can recharge with you."


I blinked. To say I was surprised was an understatement. Hell, I was flesh and blood, and he was energy. How was something like that even possible?


"I'm not a reaper. I'll never be a reaper."


"No, you are not."


My confusion deepened. "So what exactly are you trying to say?"


"Nothing. I merely explain what you see as unreasonable behavior." He hesitated, and something flashed through his eyes, something that resembled pain. "I once had a recharge companion, but she was killed while escorting a soul through the dark portals."


"I'm sorry—"


"There is no need for your sorrow. She died long ago, and was not my Caomh. While I regret her passing, it was not a life-altering event."