Darkness Hunts(174)

I hesitated. "Lucian, I don't think—"


"It can't hurt to check out what she has to offer," he interrupted, in a voice that wasn't about to brook any argument. "After all, it may not even work."


I had to hope so, because I really didn't want to be in debt to a dark sorcerer.


So why even bother going? Azriel's thought was knife sharp.


Because I need to know. About whatever magic our dark sorceress had come up with, and about the charm that now encircled my wrist.


And if the charm doesn't work?


Then I guess you have the choice of watching, joining in, or keeping your distance. My reply was somewhat tight. I might understand his reasons for keeping his distance, I might even agree that it was for the best when it came to the task still ahead of us, but that didn't give him the right to get pissy whenever I happened to be talking to—or was with—Lucian. Even if he had placed a compulsion spell on me.


I half expected Azriel to disappear in another huff, but he merely crossed his arms and gave me his impassive, not-thinking, not-feeling face.


"Earth to Risa," Lucian said. "You there?"


I blinked. "Yeah."


"But obviously didn't hear a word I just said," he said, amusement teasing the corners of his eyes. "That reaper giving you grief again?"




He sighed. "You're not a very good liar, my girl. I said, Lauren will be here at five, if you're free."


"Where's ‘here'?"


"My apartment, not the club." He paused, then gave me a wide grin. My stupid hormones did a happy little two-step. "Although we could visit the club afterward, if you'd like. It's fancy-dress night."