Darkness Hunts(141)

She frowned. "I'm afraid I can't—"


Azriel made a small movement with his hand. "It is vital we find her."


"Oh," she said. "Okay. Hang on a sec."


She spun away and picked up the phone. I glanced at Azriel. And just what happened there?


I made her believe we were police.


I didn't think you reapers were supposed to intervene in the thoughts of others.


We aren't. But I am Mijai, and we do whatever must be done.


Something ominous crawled down my spine at the emphasis he placed on "whatever." I shivered but refrained from saying anything as the woman turned back toward us.


"If you just go through the door to your left, Francis will be able to help you."


Azriel gave her a high-wattage smile. "We appreciate your help."


She blinked and all but stammered, "My pleasure."


He turned and walked toward the indicated door. I followed, torn between amusement and annoyance. You handled that a little too well. Done it before, have you?


As I said, I do what must be done. In this case, it's getting the information we need quickly so we can solve this and move back to our real quest.


Then why not just pluck the information from her mind? Why flirt? And why flirt with a damn stranger and not with me?


Because she does not know where the cabdriver is, nor can she connect us to him.