Darkness Hunts(127)


"It's not much of a trap if there's no one inside."


Rhoan glanced at me. "Just because we can't detect any form of body heat doesn't mean there's nothing waiting."


Like a spell of some kind. I shivered and rubbed my arms. "What did he say when he rang?"


"He gave us the name, and said for you to be in the house—alone—by two p.m. if we wish to save his next victim."


I glanced at my watch again. "Then I'd better get moving. We've only got a few minutes left."


"I know." He studied me, expression worried. "Are you sure you're up to this?"


I touched his arm. "I'm fine. Azriel will be with me, and he can't afford to let anything happen to me."


Rhoan's gaze went past me briefly. "Okay. But you're wearing these, so I know what is going on."


He pulled two blue stones out of his pocket, and I studied them with interest. "I'm gathering they're not just earrings."


"One is a camera, the other is a mic. Until this case is over, I want you to wear them."


My gaze jumped to his. "Um, you know I love you and all, but there's certain parts of my life I have no desire for you to see or hear."


"And I'm sure I wouldn't want to know about them, either." Amusement briefly crinkled the corners of his gray eyes. "You can turn them off easily enough—you just press the left stone once. Two presses activates them again."


"What about when I shower? Do I have to take them off?"




"Oh. Okay."