Darkness Hunts(115)


"Risa?" The muffled confines of the tunnel made it hard to judge how close he actually was, but the Irish lilt usually evident in his voice had all but disappeared—a sure sign he was ready for battle. "You okay?"


"Yes." I sheathed Amaya.


"Then why do I smell blood?"


"I guess because I'm bleeding."


"You guess? You, my dear, have been around Riley entirely too long."


So people kept saying. "Which isn't a bad thing when it taught me to survive situations like this."


He squeezed out of the tunnel a damn sight more elegantly than either Jak or I had, and strode toward me. While no half-breed got the wings of the Aedh, many did inherit their mesmerizing looks, and Quinn was no exception. He was, in every way, angelic, from his beautiful face that was framed by night-dark hair to his well-toned body.


His dark gaze swept me, then moved on to Jak. What he thought of his presence I couldn't say—Quinn was a very old vampire, and well practiced in keeping emotions contained.


Rather like Azriel, I thought absently.


"That may be the case, but she's not going to be pleased that you not only failed to call in help but got wounded in the process."


"It looks worse than it is," I said, then remembered I was talking to a vampire. He'd know exactly how much blood I was losing. "And it's not like you have to tell her."


"As if anyone can hide secrets from that woman." Undercurrents of amusement and love ran through the comment. He ripped the sleeve from his shirt, tore it into strips, then roughly bandaged my shoulder. "She already suspects the worst, given the rather frantic state your reaper was in when he appeared to fetch me here—"


"Azriel?" I interrupted, surprised. "Frantic?"


His gaze jumped to mine. "You didn't send him?"


"No." I hadn't even heard from him, simply because the magic was still in place. They couldn't stop our chi connection, however, so he would have understood the danger we were in. But frantic? He knew I had Amaya, and besides, while I'd seen him angry, I couldn't imagine my often uptight reaper showing anything more than mild concern.