Darkness Hunts(101)

I half smiled. "Only sometimes."


"You, my dear Risa, are becoming more and more interesting."


I snorted softly and pushed to my feet. "Remember Ilianna's threat."


"Oh, trust me, I am." He rose with a wince and rubbed his left knee. "How the hell are we going to get out of here?"


"I don't know." I used Amaya's flames to inspect the walls more closely. The earth looked hard-packed and solid. I didn't fancy our chances of digging ourselves out.


But I didn't fancy waiting around for the creator of this pit to arrive, either.


Not, Amaya said.


I frowned. Not what?


Solid. Not.


My gaze swept the walls again. They look it.


Not. Left go.


I walked to the wall on my immediate left. Amaya flared, sparking brightly off the quartz in the dirt. I don't see—


Magic. Touch.


I carefully extended the tip of her blade and touched the wall. Only she didn't hit it. She went through it.


The wall was fake.