Darkness Falls(93)

I jumped into the hole and dropped swiftly into the darkness, landing lightly and half-crouched. It was pitch-black and as still as death. There was no sense that anything or anyone was near; even the foul bite of magic seemed to have disappeared.

Anything? I asked Amaya.

Something, she said. Not here.

That wasn’t really surprising. This chamber had appeared to be little more than a storage area; the place where she’d had her pentagram and where she’d performed her magic had been in one of the chambers that ran off the two tunnels that were accessed from this one. I did destroy that particular pentagram, but I guess for a sorceress of her power, that wouldn’t have been much of an impediment.

Could you ask Valdis to provide a little light? The last thing I wanted was to be moving around in this utter ink and stumble into a more conventional trap.

Flames flared brighter down Valdis’s sides, half lifting the shadows and lending the rough-hewn walls a faint lilac glow. Nothing appeared to have changed since the last time we’d been here. The few small tables that had been hacked out of the soil and stone were still empty, but the clean spots in the thick grime that had items she’d moved before we’d raided the place were disappearing under yet more dust.

I turned and headed for the first of the two tunnels that led from this room. I chose the one that had held her pentagram, as it was the most likely place for a trap to wait. The tunnel was small and narrow and cut so roughly into the earth that the sharp edges tore at my already shredded clothing and down into skin. Thankfully, it wasn’t all that long, and I soon found myself standing in another chamber. This also held empty shelves and tables hewn out of the earth, but there was one major difference here. A very elaborate protection circle had been etched into the stone floor, and the melted remains of black candles sat on each of the four cardinal points.

The twin scents of frankincense and cedar that had been so evident last time had faded greatly, however, as had the sharper, almost caustic aroma that Azriel had said was the scent of hell. My gaze went to the floor; the place where I’d scored the circle that had been etched into the stone—therefore breaking the circle and its ability to protect—had not been fixed. The magic within this room was no longer active.

They weren’t here.

I squeezed back through the rough-hewn tunnel, gaining yet more scratches—some of them deep enough to bleed. The sharp scent seemed to fill the air, and somewhere out there in the deeper darkness, evil stirred.

Find, Amaya muttered. Kill.

That’s the plan. I just hoped it was Lauren’s presence I was sensing, and not another of her traps.

The second tunnel was wide enough to walk down normally and led into a chamber as large as the main one. I scanned the floor, but once again there was little more than dirt here. The shelves and tables that had been hacked out of the earth held various dusty items, none of which appeared to have been touched or moved since we were here last.

I frowned and slowly turned around. There was nothing here—nothing that hadn’t been here previously. Yet the nip of magic was stronger, indicating we were at least closer to whatever it was Lauren had planned.

So where in hell was she?

There was nothing else in this underground system—no other rooms or tunnels. Or was there? It wasn’t like she hadn’t concealed entranceways before—she’d certainly done it in the underground system we’d discovered under that warehouse near Stane’s.


Something, she said. Trace not.

Which wasn’t a lot of help. I flexed the fingers on my free hand, though it didn’t do a lot to ease the tension that was growing stronger by the moment, then walked across to the wall and pressed my fingers against it. The magic that continued to nip at my skin had no pulse in the warm earth, so I moved on, keeping my fingers against the stone and earth as I slowly moved around the room.

As my touch ran across one of the half-filled shelf slots, energy stirred, the sensation cold and oddly flat. Amaya hissed, the sound filled with excitement as it echoed through me.

Evil, she said. Down.


She didn’t answer, instead briefly taking control and forcing me to squat. The cold bite of magic got stronger. I ran my fingers across the space between the shelf and the floor. If this was a doorway, then it was a damn small one. At barely two feet square, there certainly would be little enough room to maneuver, let alone fight.

And that was probably the whole point.

I pressed my hand hard against the cold, flat magic concealed within the wall of earth. It resisted briefly; then, with a slight sucking sound, my hand went through. Damp air briefly caressed my fingertips before I jerked my hand back. There was definitely a tunnel behind the magic, and one I very definitely had to explore, even if every instinct within me screamed to do the exact opposite.

With the butterflies going nutso in my stomach, I took a deep breath, then pushed Valdis through. Her flames crawled away from the touch of the magic, dancing across her hilt, then my hand, before finally extinguishing as I went in after her. As had been the case the last time we’d gone through one of these concealed doorways, it felt like I was crawling through molasses. The magic creating the illusion was thick and syrupy, and its cold tendrils clung to my body, resisting my movements, then releasing me with an odd sucking sound. I shuddered, my skin crawling with horror as I continued to force my way through.

But unlike before, there was no wider tunnel to provide relief. The cold, foul magic played around me, resisting my movements, tearing at my strength and will as I moved deeper into the underground darkness.

Then, with a suddenness that forced a yelp from my throat, the ground gave way and I was falling.

Chapter 12

I landed on my back with a grunt of pain, the sound echoing as I scrambled to my feet. The room in which I’d landed smelled of wet earth and foul magic, and it was so filled with shadows that the light from the candles forming a large circle around me barely made an impact.