Darkness Falls(74)

Markel was shaking his head even before I’d finished speaking. None. If the Directorate and your uncle cannot find any trace of him, then he has surely been destroyed by her.

Meaning destroyed as in eaten, I thought with a shiver, as she’d eaten the Jorõgumo, the shape-shifting spider spirit who’d foolishly chosen Hunter’s lover as one of her victims. I hated to think Jack had died that way—and I hoped like hell that he’d at least had a chance to defend himself. That he’d got in a blow or two and made the bitch pay for her betrayal before she’d consumed him.

My stomach threatened to rise in my throat again. I swallowed heavily and said, I still think it’s worth asking Stanford if he knows anything. There’s always a chance—a very small chance—that she’s not quite as bloodthirsty or insane as we think.

I might not actually believe it, but for Jack’s sake, I couldn’t help hoping for a miracle.

Insanity is something no maenad can escape, Markel said. The close contact with their god, and the rituals they perform, usually send them over the edge sooner rather than later. Hunter has held on to her sanity centuries more than most, but these last few years have proven even she is not immune to the fate of her sisters.

I take it, then, that you do not wish to contact Stanford at this present time and actually ask him about Jack?

He raised an eyebrow, expression suddenly amused. On the contrary, Harry has already been contacted and is on the way.

That surprised me. I studied him for a moment, then said, Telepathy?

Indeed. He paused. How do you think we reported to Hunter? She is not the type to wait until the end of a shift to hear an update.

I hadn’t actually thought about it. I paused. That makes Janice Myer something of a threat moving forward.

She’s certainly a threat if you find the key while she is on duty. She will report immediately to Hunter—and if you think Hunter will not take action right away to acquire said key, then you are a fool.

I know she will, which is why everyone I care about—except Rhoan—is somewhere safe.

You’re not. Markel’s voice was grim. And she will come after you the minute you find it. No one else. Just you. And if you think she has no way to counter the presence of your reaper, then you had better think again.

The only thing that can stop Azriel is magic. And death—and to kill him, she had to catch him unawares—not an easy task given he was well aware of her intentions when it came to him. I hesitated, then asked the question for which I really didn’t want confirmation. Is she capable of that? Aside from the magic her god gives her, that is.

Hunter is capable of many things, a new voice said. Including, I suspect, the darker art of magic.

Harry Stanford appeared to one side of Markel. He was little more than a shadow, though his green eyes once again glowed with an eerie fire. And from what I could see of his expression, he was not happy. But that wasn’t actually a surprise, given that Hunter was gearing up for a takeover he wanted to prevent, and one of the key players in his prevention plan wasn’t playing the game.

But you’ve never seen her actually perform it, have you?

I’ve never seen her consume someone in a maenad fever, either, but I’m nevertheless aware that she has and does.

Unhappiness and frustration rolled from his shadowed form, rippling the ether surrounding us and washing across my astral skin; the sensation was unpleasant, itchy.

Good point, I said. What do you know about Jack’s disappearance?

Nothing more than you, at this point. His tone was grim. But it is worth noting that killing Jack is the one thing we all thought she would never do. If she has, then it is the greatest sign we have that we are no longer dealing with a rational mind.

What about the rest of the council? How have they reacted?

In general, with disbelief. He shrugged. But those who would oppose Hunter are already in our camp. This event will not change anyone else’s mind.

Why? Because they fear to cross her?

Generally, yes, Markel said. And let’s be honest here; she is worthy of such fear.

Then surely you can understand my reluctance to get involved in any sort of confrontation with her?

What I understand, Stanford said, tone even grimmer, is that if you continue as you are—totally unprepared to battle a woman with the force of a god at her back—then you will not only die, but condemn this world to one of darkness and hell.

He was right. I knew that. But, by the same token, I couldn’t help holding on to the fragile—and no doubt futile—hope that somehow I could find the key and avoid any sort of confrontation with the bitch.

Have you contacted your ghostly friend? The one who knows how to counter the powers of a maenad?

Just for a moment, Stanford’s eyes glowed even more fiercely. Elation, hope—I wasn’t sure which, because his expression didn’t actually change much.