Darkness Devours(74)

"Ring me the minute anything happens," I said. "And in the meantime, you and Mirri be careful."


"Oh, trust me, if we were any more cautious, we'd be dangerous."


I laughed softly. "Give Tao a kiss for me."


"I'll give Mirri one for you, too," she said, somewhat primly.


"You'll use any excuse to kiss that girl of yours," I said, amused. "So give her two. Might as well make it worthwhile."


She laughed again, but the sound died a little too quickly. "You need to be careful, particularly tomorrow night."


Unease prickled across my skin. "More omens of trouble?"


"You, or someone near you. I can't define it more than that, so just keep an eye out, okay?"


"I will."


"Good. Keep in contact, Ris, or I'll be calling in the cavalry."


Meaning Aunt Riley and Uncle Rhoan—two people I did not want involved right now. Mainly because they'd lock me up, throw away the key, and attempt to investigate this whole mess themselves—and that would only end up with them getting hurt. Because no matter how good the pair of them were, this was far beyond their experience and capabilities. Hell, it was beyond mine, but at least I could see the reapers and walk the gray fields.


I shoved the phone away and looked at the time. It was six thirty—time to get moving if I was going to make my appointment with Jak.


I studied the still silent Azriel and frowned. "Are you okay?"


He turned, his expression carefully neutral but his body language hinting at tension. "Of course. How will you get to this café without your bike?"


"I'll catch a cab." I tilted my head slightly, continuing to watch him through slightly narrowed eyes. "You've retreated."