Darkness Devours(60)


"Speaking of which, who the hell is Jak?"


I growled low in my throat and thrust him off me. "No one."


I swung my legs off the bed and stalked across to my rather opulent bathroom. Every bedroom had its own and, like all the other rooms in this place, the bathrooms were huge, each one containing a massive spa bath, a double walk-in shower, a toilet, and a big hand basin. In mine, the oversized white wall tiles contrasted sharply against the heated black slate under my feet, and the lighting was warm and muted. Thankfully, Lucian didn't immediately follow me in. There were some things a girl liked privacy for, and peeing was definitely one of them.


He said, "And yet your actions just now would suggest otherwise."


The toilet flushed as I padded over to the shower. When I stepped in, the water automatically came on at just the right temperature. I might not flaunt the fact that I was insanely rich, but there were definite benefits to being so, and one of those was being able to afford a system designed to ensure that you never had to battle with water temperature again.


"My actions," I snapped back, "are related to annoyance at you rather than any need not to talk about Jak."


"Then tell me who he is."


I swung around and watched him enter the bathroom. He walked like a cat. A big, golden, beautiful cat.


"I'll start answering questions when you do."


He walked into the shower cubicle and the second showerhead came on, covering him in water. The beads glistened in the warm light as they rolled almost reverently down his muscular body.


I held my ground and he stopped in front of me, his arms coming to either side of mine, effectively penning me. "I told you, I had several cancellations."


I pushed my hands between us and tried to shove him away. I might as well have tried to knock down a skyscraper. I might be part wolf, and might therefore be a whole lot stronger than an average female, but he wasn't human, either. And he was bigger and stronger in almost every way imaginable.


"Damn it, you're lying. I know it; you know it."


His gaze swept mine, though what he was searching for I couldn't say. After a moment he grunted, and if I hadn't known better, I'd have sworn it was an almost frustrated sound.


"My eight thirty meeting finished earlier than expected, and my ten o'clock had to cancel because his wife went into labor. Satisfied?"