Darkness Devours(24)


But at least he did have some basic motor capabilities. If he'd required intravenous feeding, then he would have landed in hospital. The Brindle witches weren't legally allowed to perform that sort of procedure, even if some of them knew more about the body and medicines than many fully trained professionals. 


"Has there been any sign of consciousness returning?" It was a rather inane question, because if there had been, Ilianna would have been straight on the phone to let me know.


She shook her head. "But his muscle responses seem to be improving, so that's a good sign."


"And the heat?"


Her gaze swept down his length. "His core temperature has come down a little and he's not sweating as much, but he's still radiating massive amounts of heat."


No surprise given that he'd consumed a creature that was little more than a furnace on legs. That he'd done it to save Ilianna only made her feelings of guilt an even heavier cross to bear. I pulled up another chair and sat down. "Why don't you go get something to eat? I'll sit here with him until you return."


She frowned. "I really don't think—"


"Ilianna," I said, gently but firmly, "Tao would be the first person to tell you off for running yourself into the ground for him. Besides, he's going to need lots of care when he wakes up, and you know I suck at providing any sort of long-term sympathy or patience when it comes to tending to the sick."


A smile briefly lifted the tiredness from her eyes. "Your bedside manner is robust, to say the least."


"Which is why you don't want to get sick, either, because then you'll be at my not-so-tender mercy."


"As threats go, that's one of the best, but—"


"Ilianna, please, just go."


She studied me dubiously for a moment, then sighed and grabbed her purse from beside the bed. "I'll be as quick as I can."


"Take your time and get something decent to eat. I'll ring you if anything happens."


She hesitated, obviously about to argue, then nodded. "Just make sure you do ring."