Darkness Devours(192)

"Well," I said, frustration heavy in my voice, "this fucks everything up."


I stopped near Nadler and stared at him grimly. He lay on the floor in front of the large, L-shaped leather sofa, and he was on his side, his knees tucked up toward his chest and his arms crossed. The pose was childlike, and there was an almost serene expression frozen onto his face—as if this death was one he'd welcomed. There was no blood, no apparent trauma on his body, nothing to indicate how he'd died—although his skin was extremely pale and looked decidedly strange. Almost like meat that had been left in a freezer for too long. My gaze drifted to his feet—they were bare, and on one leg I saw the faded remnants of a scar. This was the real Nadler, if what Jacinta had told us was true—in death, a face-shifter couldn't hold on to any physical alterations he might have made in life.


Somewhat reluctantly, I stepped forward and touched him. His skin was cold—almost icy—and his muscles taut. It had to be rigor mortis, which meant he'd been dead for at least twelve hours.


"This death is nowhere near that fresh," Azriel said, voice grim as he knelt beside Nadler.


I frowned. "If it was a lot older, he'd be smelling more than he is."


"Yes, but the natural decomposition process has somehow been restricted."


Being stuck in a freezer would do that—and it would also explain his icy skin and the freezer-burn look. I looked over at the open-plan kitchen. There was a refrigerator-freezer at the end of the counter, but the freezer section wasn't anywhere near large enough to hold a body—even one curled up like Nadler was.


Azriel added, "His soul does not linger in this room."


Good. I'd really had enough of ghosts for the moment. "Meaning he died when he was meant to?"


Azriel shrugged. "That is hard to say. Just because his soul isn't here doesn't mean this death was written. Souls tend to haunt the place where death found them—if Nadler was not killed here, then his soul would not be here."


I frowned. "Can you read the last moments of his life?"


He shook his head. "As I said, this is not a fresh death. Memories do not linger for more than a day once the flesh is dead."


That they lingered at all was amazing. "Then is there any way you can tell how long ago he was killed?"


"Reapers escort souls. We do not analyze the method of their deaths."


I crossed my arms and leaned a hip against the high back of the sofa. My muscles were still quivery, and even that minor bit of support felt good. "Yeah, but you hunt and kill demons who prey on humanity and destroy said souls—surely that has given you some knowledge of when a death might have occurred."