Darkness Devours(179)


"He is downstairs. It appears he returns to our home base—wherever that happens to be—when we take energy form and he loses us."


"Well, it doesn't alter the fact that I need to be involved in the Rakshasa's demise. I need to prove myself useful. Otherwise I'm dead."


"Hunter does not want you dead. Not when you are still of use to her."


"Hunter is not the council, even if she has grand plans to become head supremo."


"Do not doubt that if Hunter wants you alive, you will remain alive, no matter what the council might threaten."


I frowned, but before I could say anything, my phone rang. For several seconds I debated whether I should answer it or not, but in the end, the need to at least know who it was won out over the need to retreat from the world and get some sleep.


One glance at the screen told me it was Jak. I hit answer and said, "Hey—"


"No time for small talk," Jak cut in brusquely. "Just get your uncle to the secretary's place quick smart. Three men just busted their way into her house and they obviously don't intend to sit down and chat."

Chapter 11


"Oh, fuck," I said, then added, "Don't go in. Wait until we get there."


"Ris, it's three against one woman. I can at least even the odds a little—"


"Jak, you have no idea what you're—"


I didn't get the rest of the sentence out, because the bastard hung up on me. I swore, hit my contacts list, and dialed Uncle Rhoan.


"What is it this time?" he said, his voice resigned.


"Just got a call from Jak. Apparently three men just busted their way into Logan's secretary's place. You need to get someone out there immediately."